Creating a new space for discussion about vision technologies, requires a lot of efforts. Alkeria decided to take up the challenge: together with AIdAM · Italian Association of Mechatronic Automation, ANIE Automazione and many other industry leaders, we are proud to announce the first SmartVision Forum.
You're all invited to Palazzo dei Congressi in Bologna on June 25, to share with you our Vision about the future.
Download our keynote for free
As machine vision cameras developer and manufacturer, very often, in our daily work, we see simple problems solved using complicated systems.
Our customers ask us more and more often to implement custom solutions in their systems, to solve issues that can be overcome by using basic camera functions, in an easier and cheaper way.
We'll focus on that topic: talking about real cases, we'll show how it's possible to fix most common problems without using "extreme" solution, but only basic camera functionalities.